The Distraction of Political Entanglement: Part I

The Distraction of Political Entanglement: Part I The majority of nations in the world are some form of representative republic. This means that the citizens of those countries are given an opportunity to shape their governments by supporting and voting for their preferred representatives. This influence is extended to the […]

Signposts to the Mystery

Signposts to the Mystery When someone mentions marriage, what you think of depends a lot on your experiences being either near one or in one. For some, marriage carries a sense of joy, acceptance, deep companionship, and unconditional love.  It’s a place of stability, comfort, and belonging for children raised […]

Part II: The Kingdom of God

Part II: The Kingdom of God In the last post we talked about the epic of God’s eternal purpose.  These were the things that He desires and will accomplish in the fullness of time.  We learned that we, as humans and as believers, are not his purpose, but we are […]