Carpe Momentum

Carpe Momentum Ready are you?  What know you of ready?  For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi.  My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained.  A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.  This one a long time have I watched.  All […]

When the Present Meets the Future

When the Present Meets the Future It’s almost been two months since I began living and working in the nation’s capital.  It’s been an interesting experience.  While the theme of my 2018 trip to Germany was about spiritual solitude and drawing close to Christ, the theme of this trip seems […]

Following a Three-Mile an Hour God

Following a Three-Mile an Hour God I know it sounds kind of creepy, but I’ve always had an acute awareness of my own mortality.  It’s not that I’m always thinking about death.  But the idea that I will one day take my last breath has always been very real to […]

Part V: Following the King

Part V: Following the King So far in this series we’ve counted the personal cost of our commitment.  We’ve learned how to be continuously aware of Christ’s presence and engage Him in fellowship.  We’ve learned how to drink from Christ as our Source by turning to Him, beholding Him, and […]

Part I: Into the Fray

Part I: Into the Fray Embrace the cost. Welcome to the war. Oh Sleeper, Decimation and Burial Christianity is simple.  But it’s also a call to extreme commitment and personal cost.  Our decision to follow Christ is an act of war against the systems of this world opposed to Him […]