Pursuing the King (Series)

Living the Christian life doesn’t just happen. It requires us to intentionally seek the source of that life. Pursuing the King is a series of posts I wrote to guide the believer to engage their indwelling Lord in authentic relationship. While it starts off with some critical concepts, it quickly becomes very practical.

Because each post builds onto the next, I recommend you read them in their listed order. There will be a button at the end of each post that will take you back to this page. You can also use the buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate between adjacent posts in the series.

Part I: Into the Fray

Jesus made it clear that there is a cost to those who choose to follow Him. He offers a solemn warning to those who would consider His path as well as those who claim to follow. In a low-commitment world, He’s asking us to lose our life in order to truly find it.

Part II: Ghost in the Machine

Within each believer has been deposited the uncreated, divine life of God. This isn’t just a metaphor. It’s reality. The implications of this fact change everything.

In this post, we’ll explore the indwelling Counselor and discuss how He is the indispensable key to living the Christian life.

Part III: Awareness of the Unseen

Key to living the Christian life is to recognize that the Lord is in us and all around us. If we’re not careful we can become oblivious to His presence. This post explores some practical guidance on how to maintain our awareness of our Lord who is closer than our own skin.

Part IV: Drinking From the Source

We don’t live very long without access to food or water. In the same way, we can become spiritually dead without regularly drinking from the source of divine life. But how do we do that?

This post explores the critical habit of taking in Jesus Christ.

Part V: Following the King

It’s not enough to confess Christ. He calls us to follow Him. To pursue Christ is to go where he leads us follow Him into the work that He’s still doing on earth. It’s following Him that we come to know Him. But how do we recognize His leading?

Part VI: The Posture of a Disciple

This is a retrospective of the Pursuing the King series. It asks that we hold tightly to five critical disciplines key to engaging with our indwelling Lord. It’s only by listening closely and following Him can we join Him to fulfill His eternal purpose.