Part III: Awareness of the Unseen

Part III: Awareness of the Unseen You will not be abandoned, but I will not intercede. You’ve got to look past them, look past them. Set your sight on me. Oh Sleeper, Two Ships In the last post we explained that humans are actually hybrid life forms–partly physical and partly […]

Part II: Ghost in the Machine

Part II: Ghost in the Machine In the previous post we talked about the real cost of following Jesus Christ.  I admit it was a harsh post.  It was meant to be. It’s important to know that following Jesus will not always be a walk in the park.  Christ demands […]

Part I: Into the Fray

Part I: Into the Fray Embrace the cost. Welcome to the war. Oh Sleeper, Decimation and Burial Christianity is simple.  But it’s also a call to extreme commitment and personal cost.  Our decision to follow Christ is an act of war against the systems of this world opposed to Him […]

The Simplicity of Christianity

The Simplicity of Christianity The only simplicity to be trusted is the simplicity on the far side of complexity. Alfred North Whitehead After we’ve removed the man-made traditions, techniques, denominational emphasis, artificial preservatives that make Christianity complicated and confusing, what we’re left with is an astonishingly simple set of beliefs […]

Rethinking Christian Leadership

Rethinking Christian Leadership In the last post, we discussed how certain practices that evolved out of the church may be doing more harm than good.  What may have been good ideas at the time have worked their way into becoming institutionalized sacrosanct practices.  Such practices can obscure and marginalize Jesus […]

The Community of the King

The Community of the King Back when we lived in Germany, I took a three-day resident course on tentmaking ministry.  If you’re unfamiliar with the term,  tentmaking is where a person takes a job overseas to support themselves while performing missions work.  One advantage over the traditional missions model is […]