In the Garden

In the Garden Jennifer and I have been blessed with four wonderful kids.  Of course, one is married and the others are well into their teens, but they’re still our kids.  While being “empty nesters” is still several years away, we’ve already decided that this is going to be a […]

Land Ahead!

Land Ahead! Our journey through the deep waters of Christian orthodoxy has finally come to an end.  As we sailed across a restless ocean, we’ve witnessed things that we would never have imagined.  Our notions have been challenged.  Our mettle has been tested.  We’ve witnessed incredible vistas and plumbed unfathomable […]

Part VI: The Posture of a Disciple

Part VI: The Posture of a Disciple In this series we’ve explored the critical practices of pursuing Jesus Christ as our King.  In my humble opinion, the activities we discussed are the ones that define the Christian life.  They should be counted among First Things.   If anything, I hope I […]

Part V: Following the King

Part V: Following the King So far in this series we’ve counted the personal cost of our commitment.  We’ve learned how to be continuously aware of Christ’s presence and engage Him in fellowship.  We’ve learned how to drink from Christ as our Source by turning to Him, beholding Him, and […]

Part IV: Drinking from the Source

Part IV: Drinking from the Source In the mid-1800’s, European invasion and colonization of Africa led to a time of significant discovery of the continent’s unexplored interior.  Adventurers and missionaries alike pressed deeper into the lush green jungles for enterprise, evangelism, fame, and adventure.  These explorers included the likes of […]

Part III: Awareness of the Unseen

Part III: Awareness of the Unseen You will not be abandoned, but I will not intercede. You’ve got to look past them, look past them. Set your sight on me. Oh Sleeper, Two Ships In the last post we explained that humans are actually hybrid life forms–partly physical and partly […]