Following a Three-Mile an Hour God

Following a Three-Mile an Hour God I know it sounds kind of creepy, but I’ve always had an acute awareness of my own mortality.  It’s not that I’m always thinking about death.  But the idea that I will one day take my last breath has always been very real to […]

Spiritually Mentoring Our Children

Spiritually Mentoring Our Children You’re probably aware of young men and women leaving Christianity.  The reasons vary slightly from person to person.  Some see an incongruity between their beliefs and what they “know” to be good and right.  Others have simply written off the idea of the “spiritual” as a […]

Signposts to the Mystery

Signposts to the Mystery When someone mentions marriage, what you think of depends a lot on your experiences being either near one or in one. For some, marriage carries a sense of joy, acceptance, deep companionship, and unconditional love.  It’s a place of stability, comfort, and belonging for children raised […]

Three Songs

Three Songs I am learning that musical taste is an incredibly personal thing.   For example, I like baroque classical, piano jazz, progressive rock, and alternative metal.  I will give any well-made modern song a chance, but in my opinion, the best of “popular music” began in the 1960’s and ended […]

The Gathering of the Saints

The Gathering of the Saints In a previous post, I wrote about the core activities that take place when a body of believers gathers.  I explained that this exchange of divine life is expressed in four different ways which represent the irreducible functions of a church’s life.  These functions include: […]

Two Thoughts on the Problem of Evil

Two Thoughts on the Problem of Evil Perhaps you’ve heard this argument before… “If God is omnipotent (all powerful), sovereign (fully in control), and infinitely loving, why does He allow evil and suffering to exist in the world?” Those familiar will recognize it as the Problem of Evil.  First posed […]