Lessons in Community

Lessons in Community The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and […]

A Complete Resurrection

A Complete Resurrection While our family are big animal lovers, we particularly like cats.  We’re not against dogs.  We just happen to prefer cats. We have a self-imposed limit of no more than three cats in our house.  Part if this is basic home economics.  It also hedges us against […]

God of the Watch

God of the Watch Three years ago, while the world reeled from the world-wide COVID virus epidemic, my wife and I learned that she had breast cancer.  We later found that the cancer had spread–first to her lymph nodes and then to her reproductive system.  The following months would involve […]

Crossing the Event Horizon

Crossing the Event Horizon “No individual is an absolute terminal of the love of Jesus.  He reaches through us toward others.  Indeed he is not satisfied with us until he has made us eager to reach out and help others as he himself is to reach them.” Frank Laubach, You […]

Into Unlikely Community

Into Unlikely Community While living in DC, I’ve felt led to spend some time getting to know the locals.  Part of this has involved volunteering at a facility that provides critical medical treatment to homeless men.  I try to get over there at least once a week to serve dinner, […]

The Blessing of Solitude: Part II

The Blessing of Solitude: Part II I ended up moving into corporate apartment that’s only four blocks from work. By now, everything is unpacked and put away. Clothes are hung up, computer is setup, and I’ve re-familiarized myself with the metro system. While I’ve visited this city at least a […]