Why We Gather: Part II Welcome to the second in a series of articles written to explore and uncover the purpose of the Christian gathering. In the previous article, we started by exploring four prototypical forms of the church—the Trinity, human social design, the Synagogue, and the Greek legislative assemblies. […]
Why We Gather: Part I
Why We Gather: Part I This season of searching has got me thinking a lot about church gatherings. I’m not talking about gift exchanges, pot lucks, and singing Christmas Trees. I’m talking about the regular gathering of the church. As Christians, we’re reminded to “go to church”. But have you […]
Restoring the Proper Place of Mystery
Restoring the Proper Place of Mystery I always look forward to dinner with my family. Aside from a great meal, the topics of our conversations can range anywhere from the introspective to the ridiculous. Dinner is never dull. Last week, I stumbled upon a website that discussed the differences in […]
God of the Watch
God of the Watch Three years ago, while the world reeled from the world-wide COVID virus epidemic, my wife and I learned that she had breast cancer. We later found that the cancer had spread–first to her lymph nodes and then to her reproductive system. The following months would involve […]
The Obscure Pervasiveness of Sin
The Obscure Pervasiveness of Sin The idea of sin has become a nebulous concept in Christianity. Some behaviors are viewed as less immoral than they may have been. Some believers emphasize some sins over others. Other sins appear to be largely ignored. While God has a very clear and emphatic […]
When the Present Meets the Future
When the Present Meets the Future It’s almost been two months since I began living and working in the nation’s capital. It’s been an interesting experience. While the theme of my 2018 trip to Germany was about spiritual solitude and drawing close to Christ, the theme of this trip seems […]