A Complete Resurrection

A Complete Resurrection While our family are big animal lovers, we particularly like cats.  We’re not against dogs.  We just happen to prefer cats. We have a self-imposed limit of no more than three cats in our house.  Part if this is basic home economics.  It also hedges us against […]

The Blessing of Solitude: Part II

The Blessing of Solitude: Part II I ended up moving into corporate apartment that’s only four blocks from work. By now, everything is unpacked and put away. Clothes are hung up, computer is setup, and I’ve re-familiarized myself with the metro system. While I’ve visited this city at least a […]

The Blessing of Solitude: Part I

The Blessing of Solitude: Part I For the last several weeks I’ve been preparing for a temporary professional development assignment at our headquarters office in Washington DC.  It’s a great opportunity that’s both exciting and scary.  It’s exciting because it’s something new and different.  It’ll be an opportunity to meet […]

The Gathering of the Saints

The Gathering of the Saints In a previous post, I wrote about the core activities that take place when a body of believers gathers.  I explained that this exchange of divine life is expressed in four different ways which represent the irreducible functions of a church’s life.  These functions include: […]

Land Ahead!

Land Ahead! Our journey through the deep waters of Christian orthodoxy has finally come to an end.  As we sailed across a restless ocean, we’ve witnessed things that we would never have imagined.  Our notions have been challenged.  Our mettle has been tested.  We’ve witnessed incredible vistas and plumbed unfathomable […]

The Simplicity of Christianity

The Simplicity of Christianity The only simplicity to be trusted is the simplicity on the far side of complexity. Alfred North Whitehead After we’ve removed the man-made traditions, techniques, denominational emphasis, artificial preservatives that make Christianity complicated and confusing, what we’re left with is an astonishingly simple set of beliefs […]