Rethinking Christian Leadership

Rethinking Christian Leadership In the last post, we discussed how certain practices that evolved out of the church may be doing more harm than good.  What may have been good ideas at the time have worked their way into becoming institutionalized sacrosanct practices.  Such practices can obscure and marginalize Jesus […]

The Community of the King

The Community of the King Back when we lived in Germany, I took a three-day resident course on tentmaking ministry.  If you’re unfamiliar with the term,  tentmaking is where a person takes a job overseas to support themselves while performing missions work.  One advantage over the traditional missions model is […]

Toward a Proper View of Scripture

Toward a Proper View of Scripture A few years ago, I was taking a training class with several others who worked for my company.  Because class was all day, you ended up getting to know your fellow classmates pretty well. At the end of one day, Ali, a student from […]